BAS 2024 Conference Programme

ANNUAL MEETING 2024 –Tuesday  21st May 2024

Dorney Lake Conference Centre,

Dorney Lake, Eton College Rowing Centre, Court Lane, Dorney, Windsor SL4 6FJ

Registration opens 1st March, email to reserve your place.

Please note: This is a provisional programme and is subject to change.

09.00hRegistration and refreshments
Dr Martyn King, Chair of the BAS
Leg ulcers: Latest developments
Chair of session: Dr Martyn King
09:30What causes leg ulcers? 
 Mr Michael Wall, Consultant Vascular Surgeon
09:45Venous ulceration – a research project
 Ms Lily Benton RGN, Research Nurse, St Thomas’ Hospital
10:00How I approach a leg ulcer
 Mr Jeremy Crane, Consultant Vascular Surgeon
BAS Curriculum & Standards
10:20Trainers – Are you ticking all the boxes?
 Dr Martyn King, Chair of the BAS & Miss Catharine McGuinness, Consultant Surgeon
Marketing and managing a successful sclerotherapy practice
Chair of session: Mr Philip Coleridge Smith
11:10Connect, Attract, Profit: The Machine Blueprint for Clinic Success
 Dr Haroun Gajraj, Phlebologist
11:35Sclerosants: Basic Science and Reducing Adverse Events
 Dr Richard Oliver, Head of Technical and Clinical, STD Pharmaceutical Products
11:50 – 12:10hRegulation of cosmetic treatments – how will it affect you?
Dr Martyn King, Aesthetic Physician, Chair of the BAS
Case presentations from members of the BAS – What would you have done?
Chair of session: Dr Martyn King
12:10Case 1 Dr Stephen Tristram: Pregnant legs
Case 2 Mr Zola Mzimba: When you’re lost all roads lead to foam
Case 3 Mr Philip Coleridge Smith: 1. An unusual skin rash after sclerotherapy
2. Failed thread vein treatment
12:55 – 13:55h AND
Basic Life Support training Steve Swift (Thames Rooms)
Restricted numbers session – separate registration required
Live demonstrations  Plenary session with video coverage in main auditorium
Chairs of session: Mr Zola Mzimba & Mr Alastair Lewis
14.00Foam sclerotherapy: Philip Coleridge Smith
14.20 – 15.10hMicrosclerotherapy Catharine McGuinness & Kate England
Afternoon session: Modern phlebology practice
Chair of session: Mr Philip Coleridge Smith
15:30Aspects of consent and medicolegal matters.
 Mr Greg Fulton, Consultant Vascular Surgeon
15:50Average sclerotherapy and Excellent Sclerotherapy: The Difference
 Mr Philip Coleridge Smith, President BAS
16:10Managing the patient experience –consent, pre-treatment info, post-treatment procedure
 Mr  Alastair Lewis, Consultant Vascular Surgeon
16.30The Last Word
 Dr Martyn King, Chair, BAS

Registration opens 1st March, email to reserve your place.

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