Abstract Guidelines

The BAS double-blind peer review process is conducted by members of the Management Committee.

Poster abstracts will be accepted from 2nd January 2020, last date for submission will be 1st April 2020.

Results of the abstract review will be sent to the author within three weeks of submission. If revisions are required according to the reviewer comments, the revised abstract must be sent back within a week.

If your abstract is accepted, you will be required to register for and attend the Conference. Registration and payment should be completed by 5th April.

The purpose of the abstract is to summarise – in a single paragraph – the main content of the poster you want to enter.

It should include a clear statement of the topic of your poster together with a summary of the content, for example, the research question, background, purpose, methodology, results, and a concise summary of your conclusions.

Abstracts should not exceed 350 words.

Only abstracts written in English will be accepted.

Download BAS-abstract-and-biography-template

Click here for Abstract Submission Portal.

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