Code of Conduct

The BAS is at present a small, but not insignificant organisation. Our aim is to raise standards of practice through education and support for members and in so doing promote confidence in this treatment for the public and associated health care professionals who may refer.

Membership must therefore be meaningful without being exclusive. We feel the best way of achieving this is to require our members to abide by a code of conduct which is based on current laws and professional codes of conduct which already apply.

1. Health and Safety

1.1 All members will practice in a safe environment which meets Health and Safety Regulations, and enables you to treat the patient safely.

1.2 Members should have annual training in basic life support and infection control.

1.3 Members will have written procedure in event of anaphylaxis.

1.4 Members will have Hepatitis B immunity/vaccination.

Health and Safety Executive guidance

        HSE Management of Healthcare Waste

        Guidance on the safe management of healthcare waste

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1992 Section 3

RCN Essential Practice for Infection Prevention and Control

Resuscitation Council

2. Competence

2.1 Members will recognise and work within the limits of their professional competence.

2.3 Members will be able to provide evidence of training and expertise in line with requirements from UK Medical Royal Colleges or the NMC/RCN.

2.4 Members will undertake appropriate continuing (medical education) professional development in order to keep knowledge and skills up to date and further develop competence and performance.

2.5 Members must observe and keep up to date with the laws and statutory codes of practice which affect their practice.

2.6 Members must have appropriate professional indemnity and public liability insurance.

2.7 Members will act in accordance with appropriate professional codes of conduct (GMC/NMC/GDC)


NMC (2018). The Code. Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives

RCN Aesthetic Practice

RCN (2010) Principles of Nursing Practice.

3. Advertising

3.1 Members who advertise will do so in accordance with Advertising Standards Agency guidelines.

Medicines(advertising)Regulations 1994; MHRA (The Blue Guide)

Advertising Standards Authority and Committee on Advertising Practice 

4. Social media

4.1 Members will comply with guidance from their professional organisations on the use of social networking sites.

Social media describes web-based applications that connect users directly to one another and allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content. This includes text, images, video and audio recordings. Social media include Twitter, Instagram, Vimeo, Youtube, Flickr, Facebook and Linkedin. There are others.

The ASA and CAP advertising guidelines now apply to social media sites.

5. Consent

5.1 Members will be satisfied before treatment is administered that the patient is able to give valid consent.

5.2 Information should be given in concise, plain, non technical language, and should be given in writing as well as verbally.

5.3 The information given should include;

  • Details of diagnosis and prognosis, if treated and if left untreated.
  • Alternative options for treatment including the option not to treat.
  • An explanation of the treatment process including what the patient may experience during and after the treatment.
  • Any lifestyle changes which will be necessitated after the treatment.
  • An explanation of any common risks and serious side effects.
  • How and when the patient’s progress will be monitored and re assessed.
  • The name of the doctor with responsibility for the treatment and how the doctor or team member may be contacted.
  • Details of costs and charges.

5.4 Consultations should take place in surroundings providing physical and auditory privacy.

5.5 Members must respond honestly to any questions asked and be as accurate and objective as possible.

5.6 Members must explain the probabilities of success, and the risk of failure.

5.7 Members should not normally treat any patient on the same day as the initial consultation in order to allow adequate time for the patient to consider before consenting.

5.8 Consent should be reviewed and confirmed at the start of each treatment session.

        GMC Consent: Patients and doctors making decisions together

NMC (2008). The Code. Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives

NMC Advice sheet on consent

6. Record Keeping

6.1 Members will keep clear, accurate, legible and contemporaneous patient records. Such records should include

Medical history,
Initial examination and diagnosis,
Information given to the patient,
Drugs and treatment prescribed and administered
Details of follow up care, any complications and outcome.

6.2 An entry should be made each time the patient is seen.

6.3 Members will comply with GDPR 2018 Regulations.

Guidance on record and record keeping

7. Prescription, supply and administration of medicines

7.1 Only GMC members and nurse members who are Independent Nurse Prescribers may prescribe prescription only medicines. They can prescribe and authorise treatment on a named patient basis, being satisfied that he/she has sufficient information to make a safe diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

7.2 GMC members and Independent Nurse Prescribers may delegate the administration of the treatment to an appropriate practitioner.

7.3 The doctor or nurse prescribing is responsible for the care of the patient and managing any complications/complaints should they arise.

7.4 Members should know how to manage complications should they arise.

7.5 When prescribing unlicensed drugs, the patient must be informed, and a record made in the notes.

7.6 Non GMC members may administer treatment under the direction of a doctor on a named patient basis.

7.7 Treatments take place in accordance with written protocols produced by a trained and experienced medical practitioner and approved by the Registered Person.

7.8 Nurses are accountable to the NMC code of conduct on the administration of medicines; RCN insurance may not cover them if they are acting outside of the law.

7.9 Members should record and report any adverse reactions to drugs as required under the relevant reporting scheme.

        NICE Adverse drug reactions

GMC: Reporting adverse drug reactions, medical device incidents and other patient safety incidents

Medicines Act 1968

The Prescription Only Medicines (Human Use) Amendment Order 2003 (SI 2003 No 696)

The Medicines (Pharmacy and General Sale – Exemption) Amendment Order 2003 (SI 2003 No 697) and

The Medicines (Sale and Supply) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Regulations 2003 (SI 2003 No 698)

MHRA prescribing, supply and administration of medicines 

Standards of proficiency for nurse and midwife prescribers

NMC Standards for medicines management

NMC High level principles for remote prescribing

8. Compression hosiery

The BAS recommends the use of graduated compression hosiery (20-30mm mercury)

Weis RA, Saddik NS, Goldman MP, Weiss MA: Post Sclerotherapy Compression: Controlled Comparative Study of Duration of Compression and its Effects on Clinical Outcome. Dermatol. Surg 1999 Feb;25(2): 105-8

9. Appraisal & Revalidation

9.1 All members will have an annual appraisal which will form a condition of membership.

9.2 All doctors registered with the UK GMC need to have an annual appraisal. The GMC have issued guidelines for appraisal and revalidation.

9.3 Registered nurses have a legal requirement to maintain their registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council in order to practise, declaring that they have completed:

  • 450 hours of registered practice in the previous three years
  • 35 hours of learning activity (Continuing Professional Development) in the previous three years


This code will be reviewed and updated as required.

October 2012

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