BAS 2018 meeting programme

Please note that Mr Ian Franklin’s presentation on Pelvic Congestion Syndrome has been cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances

Venue: Dorney Lake Conference Centre,

Dorney Lake, Eton College Rowing Centre, Court Lane, Dorney, Windsor SL4 6QP

Tuesday 15th May 2018

09.00h                 Registration, tea and coffee

09.40h                 Welcome    Dr Steve Tristram, Chairman of the BAS

09.45-10.15h       Management of perforating veins: ignore, ligate or ablate?                                                                                                  Laser, RF, Foam or Glue?
                            Jonothon Earnshaw, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Gloucester Royal Infirmary

10.15-10.30h       Doppler ultrasound evaluation of patients undergoing sclerotherapy
                           Dr Steve Tristram, Consultant Vascular Physician, Basingstoke

10.30-10.50h      General Data Protection Regulation 2018
                            Naomi Di-Scala, Aesthetic Insurance & Claims Manager, Hamilton Fraser

10.50-11.20h               Coffee (visit trade exhibition and poster presentations)

11.20-11.40h        Modern Management of Lymphoedema
                            Monica Smith, Clinical Trainer, Medi UK Ltd

11.40-12.00h       Complete Ultrasound Evaluation – From Simple to Complicated
                            Judy Holdstock, Senior Vascular Scientist, The Whiteley Clinic

12.00-12.15h       Techniques to improve the outcome of sclerotherapy
Dr Martyn King, Aesthetic Physician, Cosmedic Skin Clinic                                                                   

12.15-12.35h      How to make foam sclerotherapy work for you
Colin Weir, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Craigavon Area Hospital

12.35-14.00h               Lunch (visit trade exhibition and poster presentations)                                                                13:00 – 14:00h Restricted numbers session – separate registration required: Basic Life Support


14.05 – 15.30h    Live Demonstrations

14.05 – 15:30h            Foam sclerotherapy: Philip Coleridge Smith

14.0 – 15:30h             Microsclerotherapy: Julie Halford, Claire Judge

Tea will be available from 15:15h

15.30-16.00h             AFTERNOON SESSION:

15.30-15.45h       Sclerosant drugs used in modern sclerotherapy
Mike Watkins, STD Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Hereford

15.45-16.05h      Pre-treatment evaluation and counselling of microsclerotherapy patients
                           Claire Judge, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Royal Free Hospital, London   

16.05-16.20h       Complications of sclerotherapy for telangiectases: how to avoid
Dr Steve Tristram, Consultant Vascular Physician, Basingstoke

16.20-16.30h      Venous anatomy of telangiectases and reticular veins                                                                               Philip Coleridge Smith, Consultant Vascular Surgeon, British Vein Institute

16.30h                 Close, followed by Members only AGM 16:30 – 17:00h

Informal hands-on Doppler sessions will be provided throughout the day by Ultrasound Technologies, for anyone wishing to confirm how to use Doppler correctly and to obtain feedback on their technique.


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