New article “When to refer”

Posted 10th February 2020 by Hilary Furber

Phlebologist Dr Haroun Gajraj (VeinCare Centre, Dorset) writes in Aesthetic Medicine Feb 2020 journal on when NOT to treat leg telangiectases and reticular veins with microsclerotherapy but to refer for prior colour duplex imaging.

“Leg telangiectasias and reticular veins can be a sign of superficial venous reflux”, he says, “and may benefit from investigation by duplex ultrasound and treatment in order to mitigate the risks of venous complications such as superficial venous thrombosis, venous eczema and venous ulceration. For this reason, it is important that patients with telangiectasia and reticular veins are assessed appropriately prior to microsclerotherapy.” Inclusion criteria, initial examination, contraindications, reasons for referral.

Click here to read the article (Reproduced here by kind permission of Aesthetic Medicine journal)

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Aesthetic Medicine Journal cover February 2020

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